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Tips for Managing Your 社交媒体 Profile


When deciding to create a social media profile, 重要的是要考虑到你拥有的资源,以及最适合你的品牌的是什么. 保持一个优秀的社交媒体账户比在所有平台上发布和不频繁互动要好得多.

To determine whether social media is a good fit for your department, 办公室或机构, 问自己以下问题:

  1. What goals does my department, 办公室或机构 have?
  2. How will social media help me achieve those goals?
  3. 我的目标受众是什么? What social media platforms does this audience use?
  4. Am I open to being “social” with social media? 我是否准备好接受、监控和参与粉丝的反馈,无论是正面的还是负面的?
  5. What resources do I have available for creating, 监控, maintaining and engaging with this profile and platform?
  6. How am I going to publicize this social media presence?
  7. 我代表我的部门、办公室或组织发布新内容的实际频率是多少?
  8. 我和其他管理员使用这个平台感觉如何?

回答了这些问题之后, 确保你已经阅读了全国网赌正规平台的社交媒体政策和教职员工手册, 适用:

Before you start a page, be sure to “listen” for a bit. Follow your competitors or similar organizations. Observe the type of posts that are successful in engaging followers.

如果你有一个部门, 办公室或组织档案,您希望成为西北官方档案, 请填一下这个 社交媒体请求表格. The benefits to being an official page include listing on Northwest’s 社交媒体目录, cross promotion on Northwest’s main social media accounts, 能够从大学营销和传播办公室要求官方设计的个人资料照片, 并参加西北社交媒体团队的会议,讨论社交媒体的想法和技巧.


让访问者继续访问你的推特, 脸谱网, Instagram, Pinterest, 博客账户等, 你一定经常发帖. The amount you post depends on the format you use. 例如:

  • 每天在脸谱网上发帖是最理想的. 一天可以吃几次, 但是帖子之间必须至少间隔3个小时,否则你以前的帖子会被淹没在全球网络赌博平台推送中. 脸谱网 now has a built-in schedule function on the posts, so it is possible to schedule posts in advance. 例如, you may decide to post a week’s worth of posts on Monday, scheduling the remainder to post through the rest of the week. 然而, 如果你这样做, 确保你每天都在你的脸谱网页面上查看任何问题, 意见和反馈. For more on 脸谱网’s built-in post scheduler: http://www.Facebook.com/help/?faq=389849807718635
  • 每天在推特上发帖是必须的. 每天在推特上互动是必须的,包括回复消息, 她转发了, participating in hashtag (#) trends and posting original content. A hashtag trend to consider is "Follow Friday," in which case you would recommend following other 推特 accounts. This not only leads your followers to interesting accounts, 还可以通过鼓励其他人在“关注周五”上列出你的账户来增加你的知名度." To learn more about hashtags and "Follow Fridays": http://support.Twitter.com/articles/49309-what-are-hashtags-symbols
  • 每周在Instagram上发布几次是可以接受的,每天多次也是可以接受的. Instagram is a platform for sharing photos and videos, 尤其是在移动设备上, 发布状态类型的更新也不像在脸谱网或推特上那样被接受. 你可以, 编辑, and publish content for your followers to interact with through likes, 评论, 和股票.
  • 每周至少发一次博客. 这有助于保持你的读者的兴趣和活跃的发帖增加你的搜索引擎排名.
  • 张贴尽可能多的你想在Pinterest上. It is acceptable to ‘pin’ 20 items in a row on Pinterest, every 6 hours. People expect a constant flow of changing content. 每天发布多次,或者每周匆忙发布一次,都是可以接受的.


现在您知道了期望发布的频率,那么您应该发布什么类型的内容? Here’s a list of ideas for departments and organizations across campus.

  • This date in history posts can help generate ideas for you. 你可以用 大学历史日期 or dates specific to your own department.
  • 为您的用户发布与您的部门或组织相关的问题. This creates two-way dialog and can increase your visibility. Some examples could be – the Department of Language, Literature and Writing could ask followers what books they are currently reading; the Department of Agricultural Sciences could ask if followers have had experience with cover crops or a particular kind of seed; the Department of Business could ask what small company followers love and why. 可能性是无限的. Start a discussion and position yourself as the experts on this topic.
  • 分享与你的部门有关的大学全球网络赌博平台发布(奖学金), 学生团体, 校友成功故事).
  • 分享与你的部门或组织相关的外部全球网络赌博平台故事,并寻求反馈. Stories could be from your area’s literary journal, a study released that was in a major newspaper, a profile on a unique business – anything that fits your target market. Ask for feedback on the story or opinions. (避免非常有争议的问题)
  • Post any events your department or organization is sponsoring.
  • 在你的部门或组织的整个星期的活动中拍照. You don’t need a fancy camera to do this – a cell phone camera can work. 如果你得到允许,在你的帖子中标记任何学生/教师/员工,这样他们的朋友也可以看到.
  • 让学生写一篇关于你所在部门的博客——在其他社交媒体平台上分享你的博客文章.
  • 祝贺即将毕业的学生和接受了有趣工作或实习的学生.
  • 在推特上转发一些关于你的部门或组织的积极的事情.
  • Ask for recommendations on 脸谱网, share your favorites.
  • Have trivia about your department or organization. 例:农业科学学院今年种了多少磅种子? How many faculty members are in the Department of Natural Sciences? What’s the placement rate for the School of Education? What concert did the Office of Student Involvement sponsor in 1988?)
  • Ask students what their favorite class in your department is and why.
  • Post about your student who is from the farthest away from Maryville, and the student who is the 关闭st to Maryville.
  • Post study abroad opportunities or internship opportunities.
  • Highlight alumni with interesting careers.
  • 征求意见和改进的想法.
  • Promote other departments and organizations across campus. 互相帮助.
  • 在重要的里程碑上说谢谢——当你达到100个粉丝/追随者,500个,1000个等等.

As you can see, the possibilities are endless. 要有创意! 最重要的是, 在你发布内容之前, 问问你自己,这是否是你的受众希望在社交媒体上看到的内容类型, and if your content is worthy of sharing with others.


比发帖内容更重要的是你与关注者的互动. Social media should be considered a forum for two-way communication, and not just broadcasting your own posts. 这对你来说意味着什么,这对你的部门、组织或办公室又意味着什么?

  • Respond quickly to questions posted on your profiles. 问题的复杂性和问题发布的配置文件会影响响应周转的预期, 然而, responses are typically expected as soon as possible, 并且在24小时内.
  • Do not automatically delete negative 评论. Take these 评论 as feedback and respond to the complaint. How you respond will depend on the nature of the complaint. In general, it is best to publicly acknowledge the complaint. If it is not something that can be solved in a public forum, 承认评论/抱怨,并告诉对方你将如何在线下跟进他们. (This is especially important regarding FERPA issues. Do not publicly address items involving grades, for example.这会向别人表明你在倾听客户的反馈,并在为客户服务. 然后,确保你确实跟进了! 你可以通过社交媒体上的私人信息、电子邮件或电话来跟进. By engaging, you can de-escalate a complaint before it gets out of hand. If you have questions about how to handle a negative comment, 请随时联系大学营销与传播咨询.
  • 感谢所有评论. 如果有人称赞你的办公室、部门或组织,说谢谢!
  • 删除任何垃圾邮件或商业广告的产品无关的西北. Delete any libelous or slanderous material (items that name, 说, individual professors or students and speak negatively about them). Delete any material that is in violation of FERPA. Delete content that is inappropriate for your audience. (例如,如果你有21岁以下的粉丝,删除任何涉及酒精的内容.) When you delete something (with the exception of spam posts), 如果可能的话,给被你删除帖子的人的账户发一条私信,并解释为什么要删除它. 这可以帮助解决问题,或者防止他们再次犯同样的错误.
  • 如果可能的话,即使在周末也要查看你的社交媒体资料. 用户期望互动, 所以你要继续感谢他们的正面评论,并继续迅速处理负面评论.

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